We can supply a wide range of fire protective related products and services, like e.g. sealing systems for pipe and cable penetrations, painting of cables for fire protection, consulting and insulation projects. As a wholly owned company in the Firesafe group, we also benefit from the full support from our parent and sister companies. Inergen extinguishing system, evacuation labelling, and control and maintenance of fire equipment like extinguishers/hoses are examples of other services that can also be provided by Firesafe.
Our high quality products are well tested and documented to meet our clients strictest demands. We are continuously developing our product range and our flexibility makes us prepared to tailor make solutions to meet your special needs.
For further information please contact:
Firesafe Energy AS
Hallvard K. Engøy, General Manager
Mobile: +47-940 07 990
Switch board: +47 09110
Email: hke@firesafe.no